
Lost single spacing on mozilla thunderbird email
Lost single spacing on mozilla thunderbird email

lost single spacing on mozilla thunderbird email

I'm running Tbird 17.0 on Windows XP SP3. Is anyone else seeing this problem on their copies of Tbird? Is there any When I checked the screen cap, itĬonfirmed that I had typed spaces between those words. Where I wrote a few short paragraphs, then took a screen cap of the email I thought maybe my typing was just getting sloppier but I just tried a test I'm a pretty accurate typistĪnd it's quite annoying to find my spaces disappearing. This has been going on for a few months now. ForĮxample, even though I wrote, "the dog", my recipients might get "thedog" Those spaces will have disappeared, causing the words to blend together. But when my emails arrive at their destination, a few of When I compose an email, i put spaces between each pair of words, just likeĮveryone else.

Lost single spacing on mozilla thunderbird email